Instructed Eucharist
Join us August 25 at 8 or 10:30am for an Instructed Eucharist. Learn more about why we do what we do during the Eucharist as we move through our Sunday services. Have a question you'd like answered? Let us know! Email Fr. Grant.
Back-to-School Blessing
Start the school year with a blessing from Trinity! Kids are invited to bring their backpacks during our 10:30 am service for a blessing from Fr. Grant!
Summer Sandwich Shebang!
Join us to wrap up summer with a sandwich celebration during coffee hour after our 10:30am Eucharist.
Hospitality Meeting
Join our Hospitality Guild as they plan for upcoming events.
Homecoming Sunday
Join us for a welcome back to Trinity as we resume regular programming, including classes for children, youth, and adults.
Property Committee Meeting
Members of the property committee meet monthly on the second Sunday.
Family Pizza Night
Family's are invited to join us for a pizza party September 11 at 6 pm to meet with Fr. Grant, our teachers, and learn more about this year's programming for children, teens, and families! RSVP to gro.htuomstrop-ytinirt@yttik.
Legends Luncheon
Join us for our Legends Luncheon with Eucharist at 11:30 am and lunch in the Parish Hall following.
Annual Stewardship Luncheon
Join us for our annual Stewardship Luncheon and learn about how you can support our goals at Trinity this year. Email gro.htuomtrop-ytinirt@nimda if you'd like to share a dish!
Virginia Chorale Performance
Get ready for a thrilling evening of choral music! Join us on Sunday, September 22 at 4 pm at Trinity as the Virginia Chorale presents Gentlemen of the Chorale, celebrating the rich tradition of music for lower voices. Tickets can be purchased online here or by calling our box office at 757-627-8375.