Bell Grills Wedding
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesLiam Bell and Kelly Grills wedding in Seven Springs VA
Formation Sunday
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesJoin us this Sunday for an overview of Fall Formation offerings and opportunities to sign up for Lay Ministries such as Lay Reader, Altar Guild, Office Volunteers. Sign-ups will take place after each service in the Parish Hall.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesOur weekly Sunday morning Bible Study in the Common Room with Vivian Pharr. This Fall we will be studying the Gospel of John.
Education for Ministry
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesEfM was developed by the School of Theology of the University of the South to introduce lay persons to the theology their clergy studied. The seminar group is the nucleus of the EFM program. A group consists of six to twelve participants and trained mentor(s) meeting weekly over the course of a nine-month academic year. […]
Olde Towne Civic League
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesThe monthly meeting of the Olde Towne Civic League held in the Parish Hall.
Choir Rehearsal
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesOur Adult Choir meets weekly for rehearsal and fellowship. If you are interested in joining the choir please email Jack Levick: gro.htuomstrop-ytinirt@cisum
Museum Day in Olde Towne
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesSpend the day in Olde Towne Portsmouth and enjoy a full day in the Cultural Arts District visiting museums and historic sites. The Church will be open for tours after a funeral at 11am.
Mildred Brockwell Funeral
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesFuneral and interment for Mildred Brockwell @ Trinity
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesOur weekly Sunday morning Bible Study in the Common Room with Vivian Pharr. This Fall we will be studying the Gospel of John.
Adult Forum
Trinity Episcopal Church 500 Court St., Portsmouth, VA, United StatesAdult Forum meets each week in the Parish Hall to discuss theology and current events in the parish, the city, and the world. The format is discussion based.