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Week of Events
Agape Meal
Maundy Thursday Eucharist with Foot Washing
Maundy Thursday Eucharist with Foot Washing
Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing (foot washing is optional) in the Church.
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Stations of the Cross. Weather permitting, these devotions will take place outside. If raining, the devotions will be observed in the Church.
Good Friday Propers with Holy Communion
Good Friday Propers with Holy Communion
Good Friday service with Holy Communion from Reserved Sacrament. This service will take place in the Church.
The Burial of the Dead, Rite II Arthur Roger YBarra
The Burial of the Dead, Rite II Arthur Roger YBarra
Service of Burial of the Dead, Rite II with Holy Communion and Military Honors for Arthur Roger YBarra. Reception to follow in the Parish Hall.
The Great Vigil of Easter
The Great Vigil of Easter
The Great Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter with Baptisms, Confirmation, Reception, and Renewal of Baptismal Vows. Bishop Susan Haynes will be the Celebrant at this service.